BNP Innovation has recently installed specialized ground lights at Sihanoukville’s monument for the giant “ខ្មែរធ្វើបាន” or “Khmer Can Do It” motto. We promise a professional, quality installation that ensures the lighting lasts for years.
The new ground lights create a unique experience in what is already known as one of the most iconic spots in Cambodia. We have used state-of-the-art technology and taken extra care to ensure the highest level of detail. Visitors can now witness the monument illuminated at night creating an even more memorable atmosphere in Sihanoukville.
BNP has an extensive, energy-saving ground light system that beautifully illuminates the monument yet doesn’t over-consume resources. We were excited by the prospect of being involved in such a culturally significant project and feel fortunate to bring its innovative lighting designs to Sihanoukville’s most popular monument.